Aradia Morita
“Over hill, over dale, Thorough bush, thorough brier, Over park, over pale, Thorough flood, thorough fire, I do wander everywhere,”

‡ Basic Information ‡
‡ Rava ‡ Viera ‡
Server: Mateus, Crystal
Actual Age: 102
Apparent Age: 20s
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male Lean)
Relationship: Single
Residence: None
Occupation: Healer
‡ Appearance ‡
Fiery carmine locks cascade in soft waves down across the pale caramel shoulders and back of this vieran beauty. Eyes of molten gold peer out from dark, heavy lashes giving a sultry, charismatic gaze full of wonder and intrinsic study of the world around her. Soft lips of a naturally vibrant deep pink bear a smile for all who would share a moment for this healer of wounds, minds, hearts and souls.*Nature is never far from this rava, even in the attire she chooses. Always adorned in natural fabrics, she wears the colors of the flowers she loves so dearly and misses from her grove back in the Wood of the Golmore Jungle. *
‡ Personality ‡
Aradia is a very caring, motherly viera who possesses kind, empathic, and graceful traits. Very strong of will, she believes in honesty and treasures the people close to her and is an extreme artistic soul. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and can be extroverted at times. At first quiet and observant, once Aradia opens up to someone, they can expect silliness, a boisterous nature, and ample laughs.Aradia heavily enjoys the charismatic ends of relationships, bolstering one up with laughs and giggles. The occasional flirtation and banter between her and her friends are often. A bubbly personality once someone is able to crack through her exterior. Enjoying the mischievous ends of her relationships as well. However, this Viera can stand her grand amongst even the most fearsome of foes, with iron back, and will with a sunny spirit.
‡ RP Hooks ‡
ᶲ The Nymphs of Morita ᶲ
Along with her sisters who left with her, Aradia is affectionately known throughout the world with them as a Nymph of Morita -- a druidic sisterhood of viera who share their healing and communion with nature for all who seek them.ᶲ Wanderer & Healer ᶲ
*With a fierce wanderlust deep in her breast, Aradia spends her days traveling the breadth of Etheirys and sharing, like her sisters, all she can of her knowledge of the healing arts as well as learning everything she can get her hands on about the people, cultures and experiences of the world around her. *ᶲ Golmore Jungle ᶲ
Born to the Norya tribe, the protectors of the Mother Tree, Aradia is deeply spiritual and in touch with the elements and nature of the world around her. She is always excited to meet other viera from her home and reconnect with her ravan sisters every chance she gets.

‡ Background history ‡
Deep in the woods of the Golmore Jungle, with its vast flora and fauna, there is a grove of beautiful flowers and trees, a rare paradise. Here, a tribe of druidic viera make their home near the base of the Mother Tree, their Seers known for their strong connection to the Wood and Her word. Deeply in-tuned with nature, more-so than most viera, the people of the Norya tribe are the protectors of everything sacred to Ravan society.Aradia, like her sisters, was one such druid of this tribe. Though she did not have the Sight to be trained as a Seer of the tribe, her intuitive empathic understanding made her unique even among her own people. Intuned with the mystical trees surrounding the Mother Tree's grove, nature bathed in the aether of millions of years and rejoining's, Aradia learned the ways of white magic, healing and natural herbal medicine to help her people and the other vieran tribes who made pilgrimages to their home for their unique abilities.However, despite their isolative nature as a race, deep within Aradia's breast burned a spark of wanderlust that only grew over her lifetime - a spark she shared with a handful of her sisters. Over the years they had all travelled to many other vieran villages, each showing them new experiences and the daily lives of others and it only encouraged their curiosity about life outside the Wood more.By the time she was only a couple decades from her centennial, a very young adult by vieran standards, the desire to see the world outside the Wood became overwhelming and, though she knew they would never be able to return and would likely lose Her word from their ears, Aradia and her sisters made the choice to depart the Wood and seek out life among the humes.For a while they travelled together and slowly, over time, began to go their separate ways. Though always connected, and often finding one another again, the druids of the Wood -- named by the humes who met them as the Nymphs of Morita, for the name of their eldest -- spread their healing light and abilities across the world. For Aradia, her travels since have taken her far and wide, across the breadth of Etheriys. Still a wanderer, she still lives for the chance to experience new worlds, new cultures and new peoples.

‡ OOC Information ‡
21+ ᶲ Walk-Up & Tells Okay*Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this! *I am a 21+ gamer who has been playing FFXIV just short of a year. I am a multi-para RPer with a passion for writing in-depth, wonderful stories with fellow writers and artists. I also do M/D/E/C RP and LT/ST RP. I am a huge advocate for keeping IC in-character and OOC out-of-character. I do not blend and I expect my RP partners to not blend either. I am not Aradia and Aradia is not me.Want to connect with me? Send me a message on Discord!